Benefits Of Modern Waste Tire Recycling Equipment

Waste tires are a big problem all over the world. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of waste tires are dumped in the landfills each year globally. One of the biggest problems with waste tires is that these do not decompose naturally and keep lying in the landfills for decades. Waste tires on the landfill sites are also a pollution hazard. The tyre recycling plant can be used to recycle waste tyres.

waste tires pyrolysis equipment

In fact, the situation is so bad in some countries that dumps of waste tires can be seen from the International Space Station as big black marks on the planet. This is the reason that many organizations dedicated to environmental quality have been looking for a way to get rid of the waste tires in an environmentally friendly manner. 

The waste tires can be recycled in an environmentally friendly manner with the help of pyrolysis liquefaction technique. This technology has been available for a number of decades but it has gained popularity in the past two decades as it allows disposal of waste tires in a sustainable manner.

With pyrolysis process, waste tires can be turned into useful industrial oil and carbon black. As far as the waste tire pyrolysis equipment is concerned, a pyrolysis plant consists of an auto feeder system, a reactor where the heating takes place, an exhaust system and a number of safety features.

waste tire recycling machine for sale

A full-fledged pyrolysis plant china with a capacity of around 10 metric tons can be set up in an area of around 400 m? In this technique, waste tires are heated in an oxygen less environment that break down the big molecules of nylon tires into pyrolysis oil, carbon black and hydrocarbon gas.

Most of the machines available today come with auto feeder where whole tires can be fed directly into the reactor without cutting them down to pieces. The reactor is a cylindrical tank where the waste tires are heated in a high-pressure and oxygen less environment. The hydrocarbon gases released during the process passes through a cooling system to be liquefied.

The gas which remains in liquid state is usually sent back to the reactor system to assist in heating the reactor. This makes the heating process more efficient and saves a lot of energy. The pyrolysis oil created during the process is collected in a separate tank. Go to this page:

As far as the amount of pyrolysis oil generated from this process is concerned, around 30 to 85% of the raw material is converted into oil, depending on the quality of the raw material fed into the machine. The plant can operate on a continuous basis with one batch of 10 metric tons of tires being processed in a batch.

Most of the modern pyrolysis waste tire recycling equipment available today works in a completely environmentally friendly manner. All the waste products generated during the process such as waste gas, waste water and waste slag can be used in one way or other.

None of the gases or other material produced during the process can escape the reactor. Overall, the business of turning waste tires into useful materials is gaining popularity as it is not just profitable but it allows one to get rid of the waste tires in an environmentally friendly manner.