Why Do Bumper Car Rides Remain So Popular?

If you’ve ever watched a small child at a funfair bumper car ride, leaning over over the fence with a gleam of excitement in his or her eyes, feet tapping and visibly tugging at mom or dads hand in an effort to convince them that this is the most fun that they will ever have in their lives, then you might have asked yourself the question – just what is it about bumper car rides that makes them almost irresistible to children?

In order to understand the fascination you have to put yourself in the shoes of a small child.More http://amusementrides.org/bumper-cars/.


#1 The Music.

Ever noticed how the music just makes to want to take part in the frenetic action of a bumper car session? Children notice the frenzied beat even more than you do – they’ve had less time to get used to tuning out the noise of everyday life. It sounds fun – it is fun. Let’s go for a ride.

#2 I trust You.

Kids are always going to trust mom and dad. And that’s a great thing – bumper cars are safe and fun and they allow you to have fun with your kids in a controlled environment. You can let them get rid of the aggression that builds up during long days at home and also enjoy some quality bonding time.

#3 Value For Money.

Bumper car rides very rarely cost a fortune. It’s certainly great value for money for any family when you consider that you’re out and about with loved ones and can enjoy the fun together.More http://amusementrides.org/.

Amusement Park Bumper Cars

#4 A Sense Of Responsibility.

Bumper car rides are a great way to teach kids a sense of responsibility. Most children need exposure to the real world, in real world situations. Bumper cars are fun, noisy and provide thrills in a relatively safe environment. However there are rules to be followed. Giving a child control of a noisy piece of equipment but still allowing them to obey certain rules (no bumping from the front) is a great way of teaching them that even when you’re having fun you should also be responsible.

#5 Lights And Action.

Aside from the music there are also those blinking lights that add to the fun – and that’s just what bumper cars should be – a whole lot of fun. Flashing lights and family time make any child who has been at home for hours every day a very happy child indeed.

#6 Wholesome Fun.

In an age where video games and portable smart devices are the go to entertainment option for many parents the wholesome fun of a bumper car ride is great to get rid of nervous energy – and you’re in the outdoors. There’s something to be said for the entire family enjoying each others company and simply having a laugh – and there’s no greater opportunity for laughter than taking part in a session of bumper car fun with kids – it’s simply good for the soul.More http://amusementrides.org/.