Is it cost-effective to rent flying chair equipment or buy flying chair rides?

The decision to rent or buy flying chair equipment for an amusement park or entertainment venue depends on several factors, including the frequency of use, financial considerations, long-term plans, and operational requirements. Let’s explore the pros and cons of both options to determine their cost-effectiveness.

unique swing rides design in Beston amusement equipment
unique swing rides design in Beston amusement equipment

Renting Flying Chair Equipment:


  1. Lower Initial Investment: Renting flying chair equipment requires a lower upfront cost compared to purchasing it outright. This can be advantageous for businesses with budget constraints or those looking to test the popularity of the ride before making a significant investment.
  2. Flexibility: Renting offers flexibility in terms of equipment variety and duration. You can choose from a range of flying chair models and themes without committing to a specific type long-term. Additionally, you can rent the equipment for a specific event or season, making it ideal for temporary setups like fairs or festivals.
  3. Maintenance Included: In many rental agreements, the maintenance and repairs of the equipment are the responsibility of the rental company. This can save you from incurring additional maintenance costs and ensures that the equipment remains in good working condition throughout the rental period.


  1. Higher Long-Term Costs: While the initial investment is lower, renting can become costlier in the long run. Over time, the cumulative rental expenses may surpass the cost of purchasing the equipment.
  2. No Equity: Renting does not build any equity in the equipment. You won’t own the asset, and you won’t have the option to sell it later, which means you won’t benefit from potential resale value.
customized flying chair rides for sale in Beston Rides
customized flying chair rides for sale in Beston Rides

Buying Flying Chair Equipment:


  1. Long-Term Cost Savings: Purchase flying chair rides outright can result in long-term cost savings. Once the initial investment is made, the equipment becomes a valuable asset that can generate revenue for the business for years to come.
  2. Ownership and Equity: Buying the equipment means you own the asset, and it becomes a part of your business’s assets. You have the freedom to use it as you see fit, and if you decide to upgrade or sell it later, you have that option.
  3. Control Over Customization: When you buy the equipment, you have more control over customizing it to match your amusement park’s theme and branding. This can enhance the overall experience for your visitors and create a unique selling point.


  1. Higher Initial Investment: The primary drawback of purchasing flying chair equipment is the higher upfront cost. This can be a significant financial commitment, especially for smaller amusement parks or new businesses.
  2. Maintenance and Repairs: As the owner, you’ll be responsible for maintenance and repairs. This can add to the operational costs, especially if the equipment requires frequent maintenance or unexpected repairs.

Conclusion:The decision to rent or buy flying chair equipment depends on your specific business needs and financial situation. If you have a limited budget, are unsure about the funfair rides for sale long-term popularity, or only need it for a short period, renting may be the more cost-effective option. On the other hand, if you are confident in the ride’s appeal and plan to operate it for an extended period, purchasing the equipment can lead to long-term cost savings, ownership benefits, and customization options.

Before making a decision, it’s essential to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis, taking into account your budget, expected usage, maintenance costs, and long-term business plans. Additionally, consider consulting with industry experts or other amusement park owners who have experience with flying chair equipment to gain valuable insights.